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Travel Guides

Travel tips for kids

Sean Horgan
Here are a few notes, mostly to myself, from the trips I’ve taken with my kids.

Before the trip / packing

Bring along devices with downloaded content — don’t rely on in-flight entertainment that works.
Check all your devices the day priority to make sure they are charged and have everything they need
Bring along a few paper-based activities and card games
Have the kids put together a list of people they want to get things for, even if it’s just photos
Make sure all the things that security could pull out are in one page.

During the trip

Get food early each day
Plan for physical activity each day
Give kids choices and some autonomy on the trip — pull them into the decision making, make them part of the plan
Give kids some space away from parents
Set expectations for the day
Emulate the behavior you expect for the kids
Check in with the kids to see how the trip is going
Reflect each day

Post trip

Get a map that the kids can color on and make notes about their trips

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