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Practice of Product

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Learning the way

Sean Horgan

Product Coaching/courses

- classic essay from Paul Graham. It’s worth reading to understand if product is the right role for you. He lays out a simply recipe for doing great work: work hard on excitingly ambitious projects, and something good will come of it.
- great self-paced PM course from Stanford. Lots of great templates.
, Ash Maruya
- more focused on growth-stage startups. They support “pods” of leaders across different disciplines.
Basically everything from Shreyas, e.g.

Commercial coaching options

General References


Skewed toward entrepreneurship:
, Geoffrey Moore
, David Allen
, Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton
, Andy Grove
, Clayton M. Christensen
, Alistair Croll & Benjamin Yoskovitz
, Ash Maurya
, Margot Morrell
, Steve Blank
, Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares
, Alexander Osterwalder
, Peter Thiel

Book lists


, Ken Norton
, Dharmesh Shah (Hubspot)
, Stanford -- speaker series
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