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Attributes of a Product Manager

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Sean Horgan
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said” — Peter Drucker


1. Presents methods, rationale, & findings in a compelling and persuasive manner
2. Poised communicator, enthusiastic but not overbearing. Not defensive when ideas are challenged, respectful of other views
3. Engages cross-functional teams as part of product design and development, identifies and resolves conflicts
5. Communicates up & down the food chain to ensure management and teams are fully aligned on the objectives and progress.


1. Presents methods, rationale, & findings in a compelling and persuasive manner

If there is one skill that pays dividends at every level it would be the ability to get people on board with your ideas.


2. Poised communicator

Enthusiastic but not overbearing. Not defensive when ideas are challenged, respectful of other views
Accepts : The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.
Accept : “that in order to understand what someone is telling you, it is necessary for you to assume the person is being truthful, then imagine what could be true about it.”
Accept : “In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake.”. E.g. Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low.

3. Engages cross-functional members across the org

Identifies and resolves conflicts with the team through transparent and authentic discussions.

4. Engages up and down the food chain

Communicate your wins
Escalate when you need to, especially if you have high agency


Start with the answer first.
Group and summarize your supporting arguments.
Logically order your supporting ideas.

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